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Remoting Services HTTP channels must utilize authentication and encryption.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-7070 APPNET0060 SV-7453r2_rule DCSL-1 Medium
.NET remoting provides the capability to build widely distributed applications. The application components may reside all on one computer or they may be spread out across the enclave. .NET client applications can make remoting calls to use objects in other processes on the same computer or on any other computer that is reachable over the network. .NET remoting can also be used to communicate with other application domains within the same process. Remoting is achieved via the exposure of endpoints that can be used to establish remote connectivity. Normally when application code attempts to access a protected resource, a stack walk is performed to ensure that all stack frames have permission to access the resource. However, with .Net 4.0, when a call is made on a remote object, this stack walk is not performed across the remoting boundary. The .Net remoting infrastructure requires FullTrust permission to execute on either the client or the server. Due to the fact that FullTrust permission is required, Remoting endpoints should be authenticated and encrypted in order to protect the system and the data. Microsoft provides 3 different "channels" that are used for remoting. They are HTTP, TCP and IPC. Any unauthorized use of a remoting application provides unauthorized access with FullTrust permissions to the system. This can potentially result in a loss of system integrity or confidentiality.
Microsoft Dot Net Framework 4.0 STIG 2012-07-20


Check Text ( C-3981r16_chk )
Check the machine.config and the [application executable name].exe.config configuration files for the typefilterlevel="Full" configuration parameter.

The machine.config file is contained in the folder
%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 or

Microsoft specifies locating the application config file in the same folder as the application executable (.exe) file. However, the developer does have the capability to specify a different location when the application is compiled. Therefore, if the file is not found in the application home folder, a search of the system is required. If the [application name].exe.config file is not found on the system, then only a check of the machine.config file is required.

Sample machine/application config file:

Microsoft provides 3 "channels" that are used for remoting connectivity. They are the HTTP, TCP and IPC channels. The channel that is used is specified via the element in the config file.

HTTP channel example:

The HTTP Channel only supports encryption and message integrity when the remote object is hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS) using SSL.

The above example shows the well known SSL port of 443 is not being used.

If encryption and message integrity are not used for the HTTP remoting channel when the ServerProvider element typefilterlevel=”Full”, this is a finding.

Fix Text (F-12611r8_fix)
Ensure encryption and message integrity are used for HTTP remoting channels when the "typefilterlevel" element is set to "Full".

The HTTP Channel only supports encryption and message integrity when the remote object is hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS) using SSL.

HTTP channels are protected via SSL (HTTPS).

Change the channel ref parameter to utilize an SSL port and leverage SSL on the remote IIS server.